Battlefields Experience

Relive the memories and walk in the footsteps of three great leaders, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and Gen. Louis Botha. A story on which the sun never sets. Britain marched into the South African war in the spring of 1899, confident that it "would all be over by Christmas!" The war lasted three years and was to become the most costly Britain had ever fought. 'Generations to come will find it difficult to believe that a man such as Gandhi ever walked the face of this earth.' (Albert Einstein)

Your host, Raymond, or Alastair his son, will accompany you to the many historic sights. He paints a vivid picture of the personal trauma and military mindset that resulted in the slaughter of so many British and Boer soldiers. Tours to the various battlefields can be in the comfort of an air-conditioned vehicle. It is a story on which the sun never sets.

Rates are available on request, enquire now




Mount Alice

Arrive at Spion Kop Lodge .The farmstead on which Spion Kop Lodge is located, was seconded by the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces, Sir Redvers Buller, for his headquarters. His troops camped on the farm for several days prior to the Battle of Spion Kop. The British suffered heavy losses in an effort to relieve the beleaguered town of Ladysmith, where their forces were besieged by Boer Commandos for 118 days situated on the original Spearman farm in what is today a 700 hectare eco reserve, with some 270 bird species, an abundance of antelope, indigenous bush, and in June and July, a concentration of flowering Aloes ,whose beauty leaves one breathless.

Allow some time to settle in and lunch . As the lodge looks out on to the kop and overlooks where Gen. Warren had his headquarter, it's easy to orientate oneself from the very first meal .


Spion Kop Battlefield

Breakfast followed by a trip onto the Mount Alice the site on which General Buller established his headquarters, Winston Churchill's camp and a lecture on the origins of the boer war followed by Spion Kop Battlefield ,site of the most futile and probably bloodiest battle of the Anglo-Boer War ,fought on the 24 January 1900 .Your host and Anglo-Boer raconteur, Raymond Heron, will accompany you. He paints a vivid picture of the personal trauma and military mindset that resulted in the slaughter of so many British and Boer soldiers. Astoundingly, there were three men on Spion Kop that day, who were to influence the course of world history, Gen. Louis Botha, Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi. Relive the memories of that day and walk in the footsteps of three great leaders


Sunset boat Cruise on Spion Kop Dam in the Spion Kop Nature Reserve ,an opportunity to see some game before return to the lodge for cocktails followed by dinner.






Colenso, Ladysmith, Churchill Capture Site


Visit the site of Churchill's capture and Colenso.


Ladysmith Museum .- relief of etc
Return to the Lodge guests may cool down in the rock pool or simply relax before Dinner.

